Carla Carvalho holds a Ph.D. in Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Since 1993, she has taught courses such as organisational Psychology, intervention in Organizations, Organisational Change and Development, intervention in Work psychology, quality of Life at Work and Psychosocial Risks, ergonomics, and Human Factors. Member of the Research Center in Neuropsychology and Cognitive and Behavioral Intervention (CINEICC) (Science, Research and Technology Financing Agency). She dedicates her professional activity to research in the field of entrepreneurship, work-family/life relationships, emotions (emotional labour, emotion regulation), well-being at work, psychosocial risks, trust and burnout; technology, work in/of the future, industry 4.0/5.0; and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). President of the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Coimbra (CEIUC). Coordinator and supervisor of the curricular internships of the two FPCEUC master’s degrees (Organizational Psychology and Work, Organizations and Personnel Psychology [WOP-P]). Supervisor of master’s and doctoral theses in your area of expertise. Author/co-author of several books, book chapters, and articles in international peer-reviewed journals.