Responsible for the Curricular Unit “Psychological and Potential Assessment Instruments” of the Second Year of the Graduate Degree in Human Resources Management at the Miguel Torga Higher Institute, Portugal
Soraia Oliveira holds a master’s degree in Work and Organizational Psychology (2021) and in Educational Sciences (2014), both from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, having started her Ph.D. in the same institution in September of 2022. Following her master’s dissertation, she conducted a study on emotional labor, occupational identity and work engagement in police officers, having developed some scientific articles to be published. During the current academic year, she is responsible for the curricular unit “Psychological and Potential Assessment Instruments” of the second year of the Graduate Degree in Human Resources Management at Miguel Torga Higher Institute (Coimbra). Similarly, she was the arguer of some master’s dissertations. Currently, she collaborates in the research group EmoWork-Police and in ProActionLab, both in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, this last one in the scope of a project connected to virtual reality, trust, acceptance, and experience of users towards collaborative robots (cobots), among other variables (Project in initial phase: Neurocobots—Enhancing human-robot collaboration). Additionally, she is an organizing member of the I International Congress QoliPOL (Quality of Life in Police).